
Daily Music Photodumping


Happy 2025! If you’re reading this, I hope you had a wonderful time ringing in the new year. 🙂

My holiday season was nice and quiet. I didn’t get to take much time off from work, but thankfully things at the office were quiet as well. Here are a few shots from Christmas morning:

I made an excellent dinner, which was a big hit with everyone. Charlie helped me out a lot with the cooking this year, and I have to say we make a pretty good team in the kitchen. I’m getting to the point now where I’m getting pretty good at just making the stuffing and whatnot just by memory. I didn’t have to keep digging the recipe cards out of Mom’s big recipe box, which is always a bonus.

I’m excited for next Christmas because I will have hopefully gone through all of the decorations Mom had in storage and I can decorate more this year.

Things have been pretty busy around here. Work has been chaotic, with my boss being primarily in the ER now and also now doing the hospitalist sets. Thankfully I’ve always got work to do, though. February is going to be a big month of catch-up for me, cleaning up files and whatnot, and I’m looking forward to it. Have to make that bank. 🙂

This weekend, I am going to start going through my mom’s books. It’s been almost 3 years now, and it’s been long enough. I’ve decided that I’m going to start in the hallway, and clear out what’s in the hallway first, and then move on to the living room. These two areas shouldn’t take too long and will be a good starting point. My sister has said that she’ll come to help, so fingers crossed for that. I’ll take all the help I can get because my mother’s book collection is extensive and it’s taking up room that we could otherwise utilize. I hate to say that because I love books and am a book lover, but one thing that I have come to realize over the last few years, especially since Mom passed, is that it’s just too much. There is a line, and Mom crossed that line several times and it’s just too much. I’m at the point where I look at even my collection of books and I think that I’ve crossed the line a bit.

2025 is going to be spent getting the house in order. That was my goal the last 2 years in a row, but now that things are more settled and I’ve got a mobile toddler instead of a baby on my hip, things will be easier to get done. Honestly, I’m looking forward to it.

Another goal I have for this year is to continue with my bariatric journey. I only have one more thing to complete for my program referral, which is my CPAP titration, which I am currently in the middle of. I’m going to work on meal planning/prepping and continuing with my nutrition studies. Once the diet is figured out, I can focus on the fitness aspect. I upgraded my Body Groove membership to Lifetime, and there is a lot of different programs on there to work through. Once I get my stamina up, I can think about entering a gym atmosphere. Charlie has said that he’ll help me, and we’ll do it together. I’m forever grateful for his support.

Here is the first of my musical discoveries this year, Kælan Mikla. I am only still on X because of the Gothic Music Videos account, which helps me discover absolute gems. This is my favourite of the songs I’ve listened to so far:

Haunting and lovely, right? Icelandic is such a beautiful language. It makes me miss when Phil and I used to listen to Sigur Rós all the time in high school (and I still do on occasion – Ágætis byrjun is still one of my favourite albums of all time).

Daily Music


My latest earworm that won’t leave me be, LOL.

I’m still alive, I swear, LOL. The last little while has been spent working, more working, being mom, and working on my transcription course. Between all that, I’ve been enjoying the two new Marilyn Manson songs and trying to have a normal sleep schedule.

This month is going to be a bit crazy… I need to start getting my stuff together for Mabon, Thanksgiving, and Samhain. Also, the Empowered Modern Witches Summit happens at the end of September, and I’ve been at the edge of my seat in anticipation for that because this year’s theme is shadow work (free tickets for the summit are here).

One thing I did was reactivate my Photobucket account. It’s quite a mess in there, but it had all of my graphics and icons that I made for my blog and my LiveJournal when I was a teenager, and a lot of photos from when I was 16-18 in it. The photos were quite mortifying – I still can’t believe I wore Eric Draven style make up for years and no one stopped me, LOL. I might share them on here if I can get over the cringe.

Hopefully, this weekend sometime I will finally be adding some poetry and things under the writing section here. WordPress is being weird, so we’ll see what I can do. I am going to dig my old notebooks out of the closet and see what treasures I can find in them.

Daily Music


I have been listening to this song non-stop:

KiTTiE’s new album, “Fire,” has been announced for June 21st and I am so fucking excited. It feels like it’s been forever since they released new music and I couldn’t hit the “preorder” button fast enough.

I hope you all are well. This last month has just been sickness after sickness for me, and it’s all culminated into influenzae. I haven’t been sick like this in years, and it’s one of those illnesses that once I think I’m getting better, I wake up with some new kind of symptom and the roller coaster starts all over again. Right now, I’m extremely congested, I have a wet cough and it sounds like there is a geiger counter going off in my chest. I’m hoping that I’ll have whatever this is flushed out of my system by the end of next week… I finally get some time off and I am not spending it in bed with some NyQuil and a box of Kleenex. I refuse.

Something exciting that’s been happening this month… I finally splurged and bought myself a desktop, thanks to my fairly decent tax return. I bought the tower, and Charlie helped me out with the other components. I’ve decided to finally take the leap and finish my transcription course, and working with my laptop was just not going to cut it. Right now I’m in the process of clearing out my mom’s old craft room and turning it into my office, so that I can get everything set up. I’m really happy about this, because I will finally be able to get my butt into gear and start posting content here. My laptop is nearly impossible to work with (poor little shit can barely handle an open browser with more than one tab), and now that I have this really awesome desktop, it will be much easier for me to do what I want. I am hoping that by this time next year, I’ll be taking my RHDS exams, and then getting in some transcription side hustle.

It’s been raining here almost non-stop for the last month. It’s put a damper on my outside activities, but I’ve really been enjoying it. Rain = my favourite. My lawn is starting to look like a forest, though, so I’m hoping it dries out for a few days so I can mow it down. My lily of the valley that got massacred by the cattle that invaded my yard last year has come back, and I almost cried when I saw it. It’s one of the last things my mom planted before she got sick, and I was afraid that it wouldn’t regrow after they tore it all up. Hopefully those cows stay in their pasture this year.