
Starting over.

One of the major things that I’ve learned in 2023 so far, is that it’s really okay to start over. There’s no shame in shutting down what doesn’t work and trying in a new space. For those who know me, or have followed me in the last few years, you’ll know the things I’ve been dealing with. First, my issues with the Canada Revenue Service, then my ex molesting my daughter and the subsequent trial, and then losing my mother in the horrific way I did, it seemed to be one trauma after the other. Since I now have baby no. 2 on the way, and I’m in a new relationship and I’m finally in a good, healthy place (the first in three years!)… I figured it was time to close the Belfry and move on.

The Belfry will always have a special place in my heart, but it was definitely time to close that chapter. Lilith Immaculate will be my new little niche, and I have so many plans for what I want to do. It’s a bit of a mess in here right now, but it feels good to be back using WordPress (though I need to relearn some things) and have a hosting provider that’s super helpful and is really easy to use and navigate. It definitely makes things easier to come back to. Nothing against FlatPress, but WordPress is what I know and my brain couldn’t handle learning a new platform (as much as I wish I could). Time constraints and all that.

In “other things going on right now” news, I finally completed my ordination/scholarly program through the Satanic Ministry at TST. I passed my final exam with 90%, which I was pretty proud of, because some of those questions seemed like they could have gone either way. I will post a picture of my certificate when I get it. 🙂

This weekend is the Canada Day weekend, and I’m going to be spending it doing yard work and cleaning up around the house. My Charlie is coming to help with the heavy lifting and I’ve got my daughter to help, so I’m hoping that I will get a good chunk of it done. The baby fatigue has been out of this world, and while it was fine to rest during the rain we had, my lawn is slowly becoming a jungle and it needs to be taken care of. I can’t let it go for another weekend. One day to do the lawn, two for the house… if I need to break it up more I can. I’ve given myself until the end of August to get the house cleaned up so I can start putting baby’s room together. Hopefully by that point, I know if I’m having a boy or a girl.

Tonight I am planning to just focus on myself. I’m planning to do face masks, a nice long bath with magnesium salts, and maybe “The Lost Boys” on the TV… the works. I’m looking forward to it.